Benefits of Bee Pollen and How to Use It

What is Bee Pollen? In short - Bee Pollen is the main source of healthy fats, proteins and nutrition to nurse bees, baby bees and drone bees. Studies have shown that bee pollen contains over 250 biologically active substances, including proteins, carbs, lipids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants,...


Pollination is THE Number 1 reason we can all enjoy that wonderful serving of smashed avocado toast with almond milk chai - why? Pollination. Virtually all of the world’s seed plants need to be pollinated. This is just as true for cone-bearing plants, such as pine trees, as for the...

Immunity-Boosting Superfoods To Add To Your Diet Now!

Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system stay strong. If you’re generally healthy*, don’t have any severe cold or flu symptoms** and are looking for natural ways to naturally support your immune system, your grocery store’s natural products aisle is a great place to start! Plan...

5 Ways Dogs Can Benefit From Honey

Meet Juno. Juno is cute, playful… and absolutely loves honey! This got us thinking - is honey safe for dogs? The answer is yes. Honey is not only safe to be ingested by dogs but also highly beneficial.  Honey is full of antimicrobial and antifungal properties that will help your...

5 DIY Cold Busting Recipes with Elias Honey

It’s that time of year again - crisp, cool mornings, drizzly afternoons and cozy evenings by the fireplace! But then it hits you - the sniffles, the sneezes, coughs, colds and flus. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled this awesome list of 6 Cold Busting remedies to get you back to...

4 Incredible Science-Based Health Benefits of Buckwheat Honey

The superfood everyone should be talking about. (pssst… it’s better than Manuka!) What is buckwheat honey? You’ve heard of Manuka honey, right? Well, it’s time we introduced you to the next best thing - Buckwheat Honey! Similar to Manuka, Buckwheat honey has extraordinary health benefits. Both have been widely studied,...

Elias Honey